Perfectionism Heal Program



Perfectionism is one of the many ways our minds can help or harm us.

On the surface, being a perfectionist seems perfect. Yet, being a perfectionist has its downsides. These downsides are not apparent until you suffer from Deep-seated unhappiness and/or Compromised relationships

To help you assess your level of perfectionism, here some signs of a perfectionist.

  • You’re a Perfectionist in All Things: It’s one thing to want to be perfect in your profession. It’s a whole other thing to want to be perfect in every single task you face.
  • You’re an All or Nothing Person: If you believe that second place is really just the first loser, your perfectionism may be warping your ability to strive for realistic success.
  • You Crave Approval: Who judges perfection? In the minds of many perfectionists, it’s other people.
  • You are extremely hard on yourself and critical to others
  • You’re a Big Procrastinator: One of the core aspects of harmful perfectionism is a fear of failure. In many people, this fear manifests in avoidance behavior like procrastination.
  • You’re Full of Guilt: If you feel as if you must be your best no matter what, any mistake, however small, can feel like a significant failure.
  • Find out how learning mindful habits of thinking may help you take a step back to think about your perfectionism and how it has been serving you; learn to let go and increase your well being. link to contact and book online
  • can be offered in group or individually